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Social media is one of the newer forms of dental patient marketing that is available to businesses today. What was once used as a way to connect with friends and family is now a very powerful marketing tool that has been used with great success to market businesses.

However, like all forms of digital marketing, the trends for these tend to come and go, which can make it difficult for business owners to keep up and stay on trend for maximum marketing effectivity. To help you out with this, here is everything you need to know about social media trends in dental patient marketing.

Make it mobile-responsive

Mobile technology is huge right now and dental marketing strategies are making sure that they keep up as best as they can. When it comes to incorporating your social media marketing strategies in your dental marketing, it’s important to keep mobile responsiveness in mind. For example, if you’re linking an article on your social media, the article should be easily read on a mobile platform in order to accommodate mobile users in your marketing strategy.

Use video content in your social media

Video content is one of the most highly sought-after forms of content, not just on social media, but in digital dental patient marketing in general. Learn how to work with a video marketing company and incorporate video content into your existing marketing strategy for maximum effectivity.

Live content is huge right now

In addition to video content, live content is another trend in social media that is gaining a lot of traction nowadays. Live content involves live streaming an event on social media and encouraging users to join in and participate.

This is great for businesses where users are interested in learning more about what goes on behind the scenes of a business. If you are planning on using live content for your dental marketing, make sure that you keep HIPAA guidelines in mind in order to avoid giving away confidential patient information by accident.

Maintain your professionalism

No matter what kind of marketing you use in your dental patient marketing, it’s always important to maintain your professionalism in your posts and interactions with your users. Remember that your social media can act as a reflection on your dental practice and if you act unprofessionally, it can reflect on your dental practice negatively. Always maintain your professionalism, even if you’re dealing with negative patient reviews and comments.