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Every good marketer should aim for the trifecta—expertise, authority, and trustworthiness— of a great website. But all great marketers understand that to get to that point, a website must have the right web content. The same goes for dental marketing strategies on the internet. These dental websites need relevant content that speaks to the needs of their patients.

To achieve this, content writers need to do thorough research. Sounds boring, right? Are there any other more sophisticated ways great content can be achieved through? No, there isn’t. Research is the only way to great content. However, many content writers are beginning to realize that the research methods they learned from school are no longer working. There are new tools and methods now that are simply not available back when these writers were still in school and learning how to do research.

Fortunately, there is a way to keep up to date with the latest tools and methods in research. You can create compelling and valuable resources for your patients by following these best practices:

Look for Reputable Sources Online

When you research a topic for your dental marketing strategies, there will be loads of sources available online. One search on Google will produce thousands of links that speak of the same subject. You cannot click on the first ones you see. Some of these are companies whose voices are clouded by their need to make a sale. Look for truly reputable sources such as industry experts, news sites, and government agencies.

If you want to talk about dental practices, you need to look for the websites of dental associations. These are a trove of information about the industry. You can find plenty of data there that will help you write content better.

Check the Domain Authority of the Site

There are plenty of web tools that will show the domain authority ranking of a site when you visit it. The domain authority helps you decide whether a site is worth linking to. It runs from 0 to 100. As a general rule, you should only trust a site that has a score of 50 or more.

However, in rare instances, there will be websites with a low score on the DA but can be still linked to. Learn to determine which sites are these. Remember that these DA tools are not as sophisticated as Google’s algorithm. There was a time in the past when many Chinese websites were able to get into the DA’s radar. This is not your final word in terms of quality assessment but it is a good starting point.