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When a web user searches for a particular topic or keyword, Google will crawl websites to find the keywords and related backlinks. Yes, backlinks are an important factor for Google’s algorithm, as well as your dental marketing strategies. The search engine ranks you high or low depending on the quality of your backlinks. This shows authority. This shows that other websites are trusting your content enough to link back to it.

Quality backlinks are hard to build, but they shouldn’t be. There are many smart ways to build and earn backlinks. You need authoritative websites to link back to your website? Here are some tips that you can follow:


How novel are infographics? Everyone loves infographics. They are easy to understand. They are visually appealing. They are a great method to bring traffic to your website because people love sharing infographics on their social media accounts.

To create an infographic, you have to think of a topic that needs it first. You need to make the infographic interesting and unique. Then, you have to find someone who can do it. Many think that infographics are expensive. But think about it, if you pay $200 for a designer and that infographics gave you 10 backlinks, you’re merely paying $20 per backlink. Do you know how powerful that is for your website to have 20 authoritative websites linking back to your site?

Guest Blogging

Have you ever considered guest blogging for other websites? This is an excellent way of improving your reputation in the industry. Find websites that accept guest blogging by searching these queries on Google: your keyword + inurl:write-for-us, your keyword + guests-posts, your keyword + become a contributor, your keyword + bloggers wanted, and your keyword + submit an article. There are many more keywords, but these should do the trick.

You can also find where influencers are guest posting. These websites might also be open to someone like you to blog for them. This will create a relationship with these webmasters, as well as their clients and readers.

Stalk Your Competitors

You have to know what your competitors are up to. Otherwise, you’re only going to be surprised that they’re building their backlinks pretty well while you’re left in the mud. Try to replicate the strategies they use to build and earn backlinks. If their backlinks are coming from guest blogging, then do that, too. If it’s through reviews by bloggers and influencers, reach out to these people and have them test your products.

You need to find out what success they are earning from their backlinking strategies. You need to follow suit for your dental marketing strategies. Backlinks are your gateway to improved web traffic and ranking.