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Not too many people are thrilled at the idea of going to the dentist. Even adults who recognize the importance and need for this still have some of that childhood fear when they think of having to head to the dentist. As a dental practice, it is important to make use of dental marketing strategies to convince potential patients to choose your practice for their dental health needs.

One of the ways to help win over potential patients is by making use of online reviews and other forms of effective social proof to showcase to potential patients that your dental practice is their answer for their dental health needs.

The reason why this is so effective is that online reviews are usually provided by current patients, which can really help in convincing patients to choose your dental practice for their dental health needs. Learn more about how online reviews can be used to boost your dental marketing and what you can do to make the most of it.

What do online reviews have to do with reputation?

To start with, one of the first questions on your mind might be regarding how exactly patient reviews can affect your dental practice’s reputation. After all, like all other industries, the dental industry is surrounded by thousands of options and opinions, which can end up confusing consumers in general. This is where social proof comes in.

In the dental industry, social proof usually takes the form of patient reviews and testimonials, and these can give your practice a stronger advantage by letting potential customers know about the favorable experience that previous patients have had with your dental practice.

This is great for your dental practice because these reviews and testimonials offer potential patients an inside look of how your dental practice has treated them. If it was a positive experience, then this may convince these potential patients that your dental practice should be the choice for their dental health needs.

Ask patients to leave reviews

So now you see how patient reviews can boost your dental marketing, you should know how to ask your current patients to leave honest reviews and testimonials. For most practices, if your service and their experience was a positive enough one, then they may decide to leave a review without you having to ask them. However, it never hurts to ask.

Sometimes it can take something as simple as a request at the end of their dental checkup to get them to leave a review. Make sure that you provide them with the information that they need to leave their reviews.

These can be your dental website or social media channels. No matter what you do, make sure that you ask them for their reviews politely and that you don’t force them into leaving them a review. This can be a bad move on your practice’s part and may end in them posting negative reviews instead.