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Dental marketing has grown significantly these past few years, and the online demand from the constraints of the pandemic has only served to help it grow even bigger. Audiences have now made their homes on online platforms, so if you want to keep up with them, then you need to modify your marketing strategies. One of the oldest forms of dental marketing is SEO, which tends to surprise many people because of how old it is.

Some dental practices go so far as to scoff at it because of its age, claiming that it has no more value to an online marketing strategy. In reality, when done right, your SEO strategy can boost your business’s online presence and improve your organic traffic rates. Keep in mind that one of the core aspects of a good Lakeland SEO strategy is the use of the right keywords.

Your website’s keywords are what your target audience base will use to help find your website on search engines and find its products and services. However, if you want your SEO strategy to succeed, then you have to use this properly. To use your SEO keywords properly, you have to fully understand the growth of the SEO industry and the right way that you’re supposed to use it today.

When the idea of SEO was still fairly new, dental websites stuffed their websites with various keywords with little regard for their relevance to your website and its content. This resulted in higher search results that return irrelevant content to users, which frustrated them to no end.

Now, as online technology continues to grow and adapt to current standards, search engines have started cracking down on these websites, penalizing websites that make use of these types of methods to discourage them from doing so. These penalties can be as drastic as removing them from search engine results pages, so modern websites have had to adapt to newer SEO strategies. Today, the defining factor in a successful SEO strategy is good quality content, which will be the base of your SEO strategy.

While content should be your main priority, understand that keywords are still an important part of getting your dental website to rank well on search engine results pages. Some business owners think that all that is needed for good SEO is to cerate the content and sit back and wait for the results to come in. In reality, Lakeland SEO is an active process that you have to work on for its success, including figuring out your keywords.

Keyword research can be pretty technical, which is why this is something that you need to leave to a professional online dental marketing company. DIYing keyword research can result in a failed SEO strategy, which can hurt your site’s metrics and can take a while to recover from. The best keyword research tools is not a substitute for industry experience and skill.