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Your patients depend on you for information about dental and oral health. Are you delivering on your role as their primary source of information about dental issues? It means taking a long look at your dental websites and identifying which of the content there helps your patients better understand and care for their dental health. So, what are the topics you should be talking about on your site to improve your relationship with your patients?

Industry News

Don’t think that industry news is only important to you. They are also essential to your readers. They also want to know how recent news and updates are going to affect and impact their dental needs. During the height of the coronavirus outbreak, how did you communicate with your patients? How did you make them better understand the impact of the pandemic on your practice?

For many, you simply informed your patients about how the pandemic will disrupt your operations. Some of you may have to close down the clinic temporarily. Over the subsequent months, how did you continue reaching out to your customers? Isn’t it through blogs and articles?

Tips and Tricks

More than anything else, your patients want a reliable source of information about how to properly clean their teeth and gums, how to know when they are facing a serious dental problem, and what remedy they can do when their dental problems exacerbate in the middle of the night. They also want to know when a dental problem is considered an emergency, and how they should prepare for dental procedures.

Sure, they can read about these things on the internet, but is there anything going to be more reliable than the information they gather from you? You are their most reliable source of information. Anything they know about dental problems and how to solve them should come from you.


The scariest thing about going to the dentist is not knowing what’s waiting for you there. So, why not explain each procedure so no one has to fear the unknown again? Make it a point to write about it in a way that people will actually understand. Your readers should feel comforted with the knowledge that you will share. Although some of the dental procedures we know are decidedly and assuredly painful, the information you will share will help your patients better deal with their anxiety.

These are the topics that you should talk about on your dental websites. Make time out of your busy schedule to write at least one post every two weeks to keep your patients informed.