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Running a website takes its toll on you. Not only do you have to think about its design, making sure it’s secure and easy to navigate, but you also have to plan its content. But what kind of content should dental websites contain? In the many months and years that you need to manage the website, how can you ever ensure the variety of the topics you’ll post there?

You’ll find many ideas on the web, though you also have to think about what makes your dental practice unique and why potential clients should choose you over other practices. So, what exactly should your websites contain?

Explanation videos on various dental procedures

Many people don’t really understand dental products and processes. There is a lack of general knowledge about how dental procedures work. Your dental websites should include explanation videos on the various services that you offer. This will give people a good idea of what procedures they need for their dental and oral health problems. Because they now know how the processes work, they can make a sound decision.

Testimonials and reviews from customers

Nothing boosts your reputation better than receiving positive reviews from your customers. What you can do is ask your customers to leave a testimonial on your website. Then, you can answer the concerns raised in the testimonials and reviews through your blog.

Whether the testimonials are in the positive or negative nature, it would do your website good if you can feature it on your blog page and answer any comments—good or bad—that would help readers understand your practice better.

Clearing up myths about dental procedures

There are a lot of misconceptions about dental procedures—that they are expensive, they are painful, and they are temporary solutions. You want to clear all these misconceptions on your blog. This is your chance to clear up the misconceptions people have about dental products and procedures.

A lot of people dare not go to the dentists because of the erroneous conclusions they have about your profession, so it’s time to stop those lies from spreading.

Interviews of experts

Finally, if you want your dental websites to be the voice of authority and reason, you need to interview experts in the field of dentistry. Connect with your pals from your local association or any dentists at all that have vast experience in the field. People will love to listen to these interviews to get a feel of what the truth is about your industry.