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Dental SEO isn’t as easy as brushing your teeth (though admittedly, some people still find it hard to take care of their teeth the right way).

There is a lot of competition in the market and to be a stand out on the internet, you need to research your target audience, create buyer personas, and formulate marketing strategies that will appeal to them. However, for the most part, it is all about optimizing your dental website to attract visitors.

But the question is: are the rules in dental SEO the same as with optimizing the websites of other companies and businesses? The short answer is yes. The longer answer needs a lot of explaining.


Similar to other businesses, you need to find out which keyword is being used by your target market to search for a dental practice, service, and product.

You can do your research by going to Google and typing the word “dental.” The drop-down search menu will list words related to the keyword you just typed. This is the simplest way of finding out which key phrase is being used by your target market.

You can also install keyword tools that will monitor the keywords related to dentistry and dental practices to let you know the trends on the internet. This is an essential step in creating the right marketing strategy to boost your dental SEO.


Where do you then put all these keywords that you put on a list? You put them strategically everywhere. The key term here is “strategically,” which means you cannot drown a blog content with too many keywords because Google will see it for what it is.

Strategic means following the 2% density rule for using keywords on a 500-word article. It means using the keyword once on the title and once on the meta description, as well as on the alt text for images, the description of the image, and the caption.

On the blog content itself, there should be a proper keyword on the first paragraph and the last sentence of the last paragraph. The rest of the 2% density should be properly allocated throughout the text content.


What use would the right keyword be if it’s not being published correctly? This means optimizing the website for mobile viewing and making sure that Google can map out the whole site and find the information that web visitors seek. The responsive of the website is another important factor in dental SEO; one that could catastrophically impact your dental practice if not done.