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It is no secret that as a dental practice, professional dental websites are important to the success of your practice. After all, most customers will take the time to look up your practice online before they decide to choose your practice for their dental health needs. One of the most important elements that you need to consider for your dental website is the right images to use. Believe it or not, many dental practices have difficulty choosing the right images to give the right impression on their dental sites. To help you with this, here is a guide to using images on your dental websites.

Invest in professional photography

As a business that is very person-facing, it’s important that you invest in professional photography. Many businesses in the health industry need to invest in professional photography and use images of their clinics and their practitioners on their website. This is because the people who come to these practices need a form of social proof that gives them the assurance that the practice cares for them and their health, and one way to do that is by showcasing their practice’s staff and clinic. This makes the practice more personable and trustworthy.

Images don’t only mean photos

Keep in mind that if you’re choosing images for your dental websites, this does not only refer to choosing photos for your website. This also refers to choosing the right images in the form of infographics, icons, and other visual elements. All of these work together to give your patients a good experience on your website, which is why it needs careful consideration.

Always choose relevant images

If you are going to be using stock photos to complement your professional photography, it’s important that you always choose relevant images to your dental practice. Otherwise, your patients will be confused about the point of your website and result in a disconnect between your website and your practice.

Optimize your images

Believe it or not, images can play an important role in your site’s SEO and metrics, but it cannot be read by search engines. Because of this, you need to take the time and effort to optimize your site’s images. One way to do this is by adding alt-text that contain keywords so that search engines can pick up on these and rank your site on their SERPs. Keep in mind that images can lead to a slower website load time, so you need to compress the images’ file sizes enough that your site can load smoothly and quickly without compromising on the quality of the images.