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Many states have mandated to close dental clinics during the first few weeks of the coronavirus outbreak. Although the restrictions have eased now, people are still scared of going to the dentist (not that they were not before). Even dental websites don’t know how to deal with such an unprecedented attack on the industry. How can they survive? How can they continue selling dental products and services when the rest of the world is worried transmission in dental clinics is easier?

First, you need to prepare your dental website. It’s not going to be easy to convince your patients that it’s safe to visit the clinic again. That means making an extra effort to show them the safety measures you put in place to ensure that both parties are protected. You need to create a website that does not only sell your services but also the number of safety precautions you now have in the clinic.

Posting a Message

Write a message specifically for your patients. What do they want to know about your services today? How will they feel protected while they are in the clinic? Discuss the things you did to make sure that there is no opportunity to contract the virus in your clinic. A short blog post is necessary to educate patients on the steps you took.

You can even send an email to your clientele to let them know that you are open for business. Your website should also be updated. You can post a message there that will appear as soon as web visitors open your homepage. The message will let them know of the state of your products and services, as well as the safety measures they can expect to welcome them when they go to your clinic.

Guiding Patients

But your dental websites shouldn’t just be about selling your dental products and services. They should also be about guiding your patients throughout such difficult times in all our lives. You can post a series of blogs there about how to take care of their teeth and gums better. If they have dental problems, you can share some tips on how to remedy those at home. If the remedies worked, then they won’t need to see the dentist for now. That keeps them safely tucked in their homes. That keeps dentists safer, too.

Your dental websites should be a hub for your patients. There, they should find information about their dental health, how to set an appointment with you, and even some tips on how to take better care of themselves during this time. That will keep your practice and website relevant to your patients.