Dental websites can be confusing, especially if the person handling the site does not know what to highlight and what element of the site should be focused on. Most dental websites fall into the routine of simply posting blog articles about dental products and services without really providing any value to the readers. But even before a customer gets to the part of the blog articles, what are the first things he/she would notice on a website?
Understanding how web visitors navigate your site will make you better at designing and managing it. You can improve the web pages that your web visitors frequent and you can eliminate any component of the website that might have been pushing clients away.
Signing up for Google Analytics will allow you to get a glimpse of the behavior of your web visitors. You’ll be able to see which parts of the websites the visitors stay on the most and which triggers their intention to leave the site.
So, how does any web visitor navigate through a dental website?
Your homepage influences their decision to stay or leave
The homepage is the first thing that people see on your website. Their first impression of your business will come from the homepage of the website. This is where they decide if your website is worth a visit beyond the homepage; if they would still click on the menu and find information on the inside pages.
It is critical that your homepage attracts clients so make sure that it has a clean layout and relevant information that will tease the web visitors to look further into the site.
They search for your products and services
The next thing that web visitors do is to search for the products and services that you have to offer. They need to know if you’re capable and licensed doing the procedure they need on their teeth. That’s why it is also important that you discuss on your website your eligibility to handle dental procedures and many other things.
They look for the secure symbol
They also want to make sure your website is secured before they leave pertinent information about themselves. If they are to use your appointment booking system, they will need to leave their names, contact numbers, email addresses, and other personal information.
The only way they’ll be comfortable leaving the information is if they see that “lock” symbol on your website, indicating that you have taken security measures to ensure that the information there is encrypted.