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It can be hard for any dentist to focus on dental patient marketing strategies when he also needs to take care of his current clientele and manage the whole clinic, his staff, and other aspects of the business. it’s easy to let the marketing of his business slide since he doesn’t have the time nor the energy for it.

But forgetting completely to market a dental practice? That’s unforgivable. Here are seven cool dental patient marketing ideas to get you started:

Welcome Neighbors

Is there a new one in the neighborhood? Why don’t you send that home a “welcome to the neighborhood” card with your practice’s name on it? They’ll appreciate the information about which dentist they can go to in case they have a dental need or emergency.

Participate In Community Events

There are loads of community events that happen on a weekly basis. People gather in these events to mingle and try out what local businesses have to offer. Even if you’re not selling artisan bread and unique artifacts, you can still join these events through sponsorship or holding talks and presentations.

Activate Social Media

If you are not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you better correct that mistake now. Make your presence online felt by being active on these platforms. Your audience is not only hanging around in small-town cafes and community events. They are also on social media so you better make sure you are visible there, too.

Offer Discounted Rates

How about a promotional discount for your new services? Or a free consultation for first-time clients? That’s enough to give you an opportunity to attract clients through your quality services and dental healthcare.

Use A Referral System

People love anything that has to do with getting rewards. Put a referral system in place where patients who refer their friends or family members can get special discounts when their referrals actually schedule an appointment.

Send Newsletters

Send electronic newsletters only to those who are willing. You should use the newsletter to talk about the different procedures that your clinic offers, as well as the challenges and changes that the dental industry faces.

Grow Testimonials and Reviews

Leaving testimonials and reviews is a way for your patients to help you find more clients and boost your dental patient marketing. They know it and they deliberately give you five-star ratings to grow your business. Capitalize on this by highlighting your ratings on social media and on your website.