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In today’s digital world, not having the right features on your website can be detrimental to your business or in the case of dentists and doctors, your practices. Customers and patients want more than just information about what you do or who you are. They want things to be convenient for them, too. If your dental websites don’t have extra features, how can they be different from all the others on the world wide web today?

Patient Appointment System

What is the point of a dental website if it doesn’t have a patient appointment system? Aside from wanting to know who you are and what you do, patients visit your website because they want to set an appointment with you. Either they need to find the contact information of your clinic, or they want to schedule an appointment directly on the website.

The point is that patients should have access to an appointment system that will allow them to set a schedule no matter where they are. They shouldn’t have to call your receptionist and wait for her/him to check your calendar before figuring out when to best visit you. That process takes a lot of time and effort. Time is a luxury for many people.

Online Payment Form

Isn’t it more convenient for you and your staff if the patient can pay for the services through the internet? You will basically be like an e-commerce store where the fulfillment of the orders happens after the payment is made. It’s a win-win situation because most patients don’t want to wait around in the reception area while your staff processes the payment.

Online Secure Forms

Do you have a lot of forms that you need the patients to fill up? It is time-saving to let them fill up an electronic form on your website. It will be more convenient for them and you. Provide them the forms to fill up on your dental websites. This will improve your staff’s productivity and will satisfy your patients.

Downloadable Files

You can also share resources with your patients by posting white posts, newsletters, industry news, and other documents on your website. As long as you have permission from the authors of the documents, you can share these files and discuss them on your blogs or vlogs.

Having these features will set your dental websites apart. These features will make it easier for your patients to choose you as their dentist.