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How often do we hear people complaining about tooth and oral issues or just the simple fact of having to go to the dentist? Truly, going to the dentist isn’t exactly a thrilling prospect for any of us. If you’re in the dental practice marketing industry, you should think of ways how to attract more prospective patients and book them up for appointments.

Get Involved In The Community

Instead of focusing all your energy on social media and the internet, you should also exert effort in making your presence known in the community. The success of a dental profession is based on the local market. Your primary target audience in your dental practice marketing is the local community so you should do your best to reach out to them.

There are many ways to be active in the local scene. You can coach a little league team. You can be a mentor for the local girl’s scout club. You can bake cookies with them that wouldn’t be too laden with sugar. That can be your selling point.

Build A Community On Social Media

Aside from being active in the local community in real life, you should also try to build a community on social media. Creating forums, Facebook pages, and community groups either on your website or your social media page will allow your existing and prospective customers to talk about the dental products and services that you offer.

Once in a while, you could even chip in and provide some answers to their questions. It’s not exactly free consultation all the time but wouldn’t it be a nice surprise for your customers if they can get free advice sometimes?

Emergency Keywords

You’ll be curious to know that a lot of the keywords in dental practice marketing associated with dental procedures and services have something to do with the word “emergency.” Since not many people are fond of even their regular dental checkups, they would only seek a dentist when it’s an absolute emergency. Meaning, their teeth or gums hurt so much that they need emergency dental treatment.

This is important to note because it means using the word “emergency” in your keyword can help lead more traffic to your website. Using words like emergency or urgent is an easy way to get clients to notice your practice. You will easily see the return on investment for those keywords since most potential customers will click on your link when they see that you can provide emergency services.