Use Your Competition For Your Dental Practice Marketing
It is no secret that the dental practice marketing industry as a whole is a highly competitive one. As a whole, the dental industry is one that is riddled with a lot of competitors. For some dental practices, this can be a hopeless situation. After all, with all of the competition that you have to […]
Dental Practice Marketing: What Kind of Content Sells?
Knowing what kind of content sells isn’t science. The answer isn’t obscure or difficult to execute or imagine. There’s no deeper meaning behind it. The answer is as simple and direct as can be. Informative content sells. Content that’s filled with information will improve your dental practice marketing, so that’s what you should be writing. […]
Top Trends for Dental Practice Marketing This 2020
If you are not updated with the current trends in dental practice marketing, your brand is going to suffer. There’s no way you will be able to survive the onslaught of changing marketing strategies if you don’t follow or at least, keep up with the trends. Digital marketing is constantly evolving. There are new tools […]
Dental Practice Marketing: Get More Reviews for Your Dental Practice
You know that reviews are important for your dental practice. You know that your dental practice marketing will be more effective with more reviews posted on your website or social media. You read reviews, too. You read reviews about restaurants, movies, smartphones, services, etc. You know that these reviews effectively tell your target patients that […]
Content Types for Your Dental Practice Marketing That Works
Anybody who has been working with or for dental practice marketing will happily tell you that in today’s online landscape, content should be one of your main priorities for the benefit of your marketing strategy. It doesn’t matter if you pay for the very best professionals and strategies out there, if you don’t have the […]
Dental Practice Marketing: SEO or Paid Advertisement?
How do you find a doctor near you? How did you find your latest dentist? How do you find how much the new mattress is for your bedroom? You go to the internet and search, right? These days, no one uses the phonebook anymore. Everything happens on the internet. That’s why if you haven’t incorporated […]
Where Am I Going Wrong With My Dental Practice Marketing?
Your dental practice marketing can be a pretty tricky thing to handle even with a good marketing company to help you out with this. However, it can be easy to look at your marketing and others and wonder why yours doesn’t seem to be working out as you had hoped. But with this in mind, […]
Dental Practice Marketing: Diversifying Keywords to Attract More Patients
While marketers know about how keywords are important in dental practice marketing, what they are not focusing on is how critical it is to diversify keywords. Sure, marketers and content writers are using generic keywords. These are needed. You will lose opportunities by not shooting for the basics like “[your state] dentist.” But you also […]
What Dental Practice Marketing Gets From an Online Appointment System
Are online self-scheduling systems merely a trend? Is this the kind of passing dental practice marketing we’ll no longer remember in a decade or so? There’s nothing trendy about online appointment systems. We all know how Uber, OpenTable, and many others made life easier for us. Can you imagine that about a decade ago, you […]
What to Avoid When Hiring a Dental Practice Marketing Agency
For many dental practices, dental practice marketing can be a bit of a chore. After all, you’re a dentist, not a marketer. Because of this, plenty of dental practices are more than happy to hire a dental marketing agency to handle their marketing for them. However, it’s important that you take the time to do […]