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Dental Patient Marketing in Social Media Trends

Social media is one of the newer forms of dental patient marketing that is available to businesses today. What was once used as a way to connect with friends and family is now a very powerful marketing tool that has been used with great success to market businesses. However, like all forms of digital marketing, […]

Dental Patient Marketing And What Statistics Say About It

We depend on statistics when we think about dental patient marketing strategies because these numbers help us make better decisions. It directly affects how we design our website, how we write content, how we optimize the website, and when we publish on social media. So, what do current statistics have to say about dental patient […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Integrate Online Appointment Booking Systems

Businesses like dental practices rely heavily on client appointments. Rarely do we see dentists allowing patients to just walk in without prior appointment unless it is a dental emergency. The booking system can get complicated and mixing up schedules will not help your dental patient marketing. There’s no need to work on this system manually […]

Dental Patient Marketing: What Dental Practices Should Know

Most dental practices would choose to let their business speak for themselves. That does not work anymore in today’s highly-digital world. If you want to attract patients to your dental clinic, you need to employ dental patient marketing strategies that will drive traffic to your website and convert this traffic into scheduled appointments. So, what […]

How Content Marketing Works for Dental Patient Marketing

When it comes to your dental patient marketing, there are a few marketing strategies that are more popular than others. One of the most popular forms of marketing that you may choose to use for your dental marketing strategy is content marketing. Content marketing is one of the most often recommended forms of marketing for […]

How Good Record-Keeping Can Help In Your Dental Patient Marketing

The benefits of good management of record-keeping cannot be measured. Businesses who know the importance of good record-keeping tend to prosper because they can easily keep up with their clients’ needs and wants. The same can be said for dental practices and dental patient marketing strategies. Dentists who invest in a good record-keeping management software […]

How to Come Up With Great PPC Ads for Your Dental Patient Marketing

Dental patient marketing is something that has changed quite a bit over the past few years. One of the most significant ways that online marketing has changed the landscape of marketing is the accessibility of effective marketing options, even to small businesses. In fact, there are marketing methods that only make you pay for the […]

How Dental Patient Marketing Help Boost Online Booking Systems

Have you ever felt the need to book an appointment with your dentist and instead of using his website to book online, you just went ahead and called his office? But nobody answered, so you looked for the next available dentist. Unfortunately, many dentists and their appointment systems suffer through neglect and invisibility. People don’t […]

Improve the Content for Your Dental Patient Marketing With These Tips

When it comes to your dental patient marketing or any other kind of marketing for that matter, content is the core of an effective marketing strategy. Even if you pay for the latest tools and software in the marketing industry, none of that is going to matter unless you have the content to bring your […]