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How Dental Practice Marketing Can Convince Children To Go To The Dentist

Children are most fearful of dentists. Though most people balk at the idea of having a dentist prod their teeth, there’s nothing like a three-year-old throwing a tantrum because he has to visit the dentist. The problem? Misconceptions and wrong thinking. Your dental practice marketing strategies, if planned and executed properly, can sate these misgivings. […]

Improve Your Dental Practice Marketing By Targeting The Local Community

There are literally hundreds of ideas that’ll come to you when we begin to brainstorm about dental practice marketing. The truth is, there are only a handful of well-placed and well-executed strategies that truly work and help your business reach ROI. If there is one thing you need to remember about the dental practice, it […]

How Dental Practice Marketing Can Squash The Misconceptions About Root Canal

Dental practice marketing can squash the misconceptions we all have about a root canal. By crafting well-though-out strategies, dental practices can revolutionize the way people think and feel about undergoing a root canal procedure. There is a reason why in many internet memes and Hollywood movies, a root canal is always perceived to be akin […]

Dental Practice Marketing: How to Get More Positive Patient Reviews

As far as dental practice marketing has evolved due to the rise in popularity of digital marketing, referrals, and word-of-mouth reviews are still a highly effective way of getting new patients into your practice. The difference is that today, even with a verbal referral by a friend or a family member, potential patients will still […]

Ease of Navigation On Websites Is Important For Dental Practice Marketing

The architecture of your website can bring in customers and clients who can form a part of your clientele. By making sure your dental practice’s website is easy to navigate, you can boost the chances of your dental practice marketing strategies in reaching its goals. Remember the first rule of marketing? It is to know […]

Outdated Dental Practice Marketing Methods You Should Stop Doing

Dental practice marketing is one of the industries that have evolved significantly when the age of digital technology took over. In a lot of ways, this has been very beneficial, as this has allowed smaller dental practices to have the same amount of online presence as larger dental practices and at a fraction of the […]

Why Social Media Matters In Dental Practice Marketing

It may come as a surprise to you that social media are more favorable then websites when it comes to dental practice marketing. Then again, that may not be such a shocker considering we are all aware of how obsessed and addicted we all are to social media. Although having a well-optimized website is important […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Why Your Patients Can’t Find You Online

A good dental practice marketing strategy can do a lot for your business. However, it’s not the only thing that you need to make sure that your website gets seen when users search for your services. As a smaller dental practice, there is a big chance that users will not know of your dental practice […]

First Steps to Take When You’re Just Starting Out With Your Dental Practice Marketing

Having a good dental practice marketing strategy is now expected of dental practices nowadays, especially if they’re looking to boost their dental practice’s presence. It’s important to plan out to marketing strategy properly for maximum results. If this is your first time handling a dental marketing strategy, it’s always a good idea to understand the […]