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As far as dental practice marketing has evolved due to the rise in popularity of digital marketing, referrals, and word-of-mouth reviews are still a highly effective way of getting new patients into your practice. The difference is that today, even with a verbal referral by a friend or a family member, potential patients will still take the time to verify the practice’s reputation online.

Because of this, it is very important that you maintain a positive reputation, both off- and online. This helps to increase your chances of getting more patients based on your practice’s reputation. However, how exactly do you increase your positive patient reviews to boost your reputation? Here are some tips to help you out for the sake of your dental practice marketing.

Focus on your patients

Interestingly enough, one of the best ways that you can get more positive patient reviews is simply by focusing more on the patients themselves. It is all too common for patients to feel as though their dental and medical visits are far too methodical and clinical.

While a professional attitude is certainly welcome in the medical professionals that we turn to for our health needs, it tends to make patients a little nervous about going to a doctor who doesn’t really seem to care about them.

Taking the time to talk with the patient to understand what’s going on can really go a long way in boosting their perception of you. A dentist who cares about their well-being is far more easy to recommend compared to a dentist who treats each and every dental visit like a checklist to go through.

Be active in your online marketing efforts

If you’re looking to boost your online reputation and get more positive online patient reviews, you’re going to have to up your online dental practice marketing. Make sure that you take the time to work on your social media marketing, as well as your content marketing.

Having a strong and professional social media presence makes you and your dental practice more accessible to patients, which is great for your practice’s reputation. If you invest in a blogging and content marketing strategy, you can create high-quality content that answers the kind of questions that your patients are asking.

By doing so, you will become the go-to for any and all dental health-related information, which is great for your reputation and can boost positive patient reviews, not to mention great for your dental practice marketing strategy.