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Dental Practice Marketing: How to Create Highly Shareable Content

It is no secret that the online industry is a very competitive one. Millions of websites are constantly coming up with new content day after day, so being in the dental industry, you need to make sure that your content and your dental practice marketing strategy really stands out. If you’re thinking of online marketing, […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Keeping Your Patients Loyal To Your Practice

Ever wonder why some of your patients are jumping ship? Put yourself on their position. What will make you leave the brand you’ve been supporting since before? If you have a favorite restaurant what will trigger you to never go there again and be loyal to another? Whether it’s a retail shop, a restaurant, or […]

Recovering From a Failed Dental Practice Marketing

One of the worst things that cause dental practices to be apprehensive about working with a professional dental practice marketing agency is the horror stories that you hear about other dental practices getting burned by the marketing agencies that they’ve worked with. This can take many forms. For some, they may have ended up working […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Is Online Marketing the Way to Go?

When it comes to making the right decisions for your dental practice, smaller practices don’t have much by way of choice or budget, for that matter. Whether it comes to choosing staff or the right dental practice marketing strategy for your dental practice, smaller dental practices are acutely aware of how the wrong decision can […]

Dental Practice Marketing: How To Use Education To Spread The Word

Dentists should not be wanting for patients. Because oral health is a serious matter, patients should be knocking on your doors regularly. The fact that many dentists are still finding themselves without clients is proof that there is not enough education regarding the importance of oral health. You need to use education as a platform […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Affordable Options To Attract More Clients

Marketing is the key to success of any business. Dental practices are not an exception. There are many options available for dental practice marketing that won’t require you to spend thousands of dollars. You don’t need a huge capital or investment just to market and promote your dental services. Sometimes, all you need is a […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Is Customer Service a Factor In Its Success?

Here’s a problem we have about marketers: they rely so much on how great their dental practice marketing strategies are, they forget about one critical aspect of running a business—customer service. No matter how great you think your marketing campaigns are, the moment your clients get disappointed because of the way you deal with your […]

3 Ways To Get Appointments Through Dental Practice Marketing

How often do we hear people complaining about tooth and oral issues or just the simple fact of having to go to the dentist? Truly, going to the dentist isn’t exactly a thrilling prospect for any of us. If you’re in the dental practice marketing industry, you should think of ways how to attract more […]

How To Be Great At Dental Practice Marketing

If you’re wondering why your dental practice marketing strategies are not at par with other agencies, it may be because you are lacking the capacity, the knowledge, and the skill to plan better techniques. Creating marketing strategies is not something you learn in school alone. It takes years of practice and experience to nearly perfect […]

Dental Practice Marketing and How it Helps Patients Find You Online

Like many industries, the dental industry has had to adapt to the rise in online technology in order to remain competitive in the current state of the industry. Dental practice marketing has been a huge help in making sure that dental practices still manage to get the word out about their services to people online. […]