Marketing is the key to success of any business. Dental practices are not an exception. There are many options available for dental practice marketing that won’t require you to spend thousands of dollars. You don’t need a huge capital or investment just to market and promote your dental services. Sometimes, all you need is a trusty computer to reach out to your target audience and persuade them to book an appointment with your clinic.
For a single dental practice to grow, you must see 25 to 40 new patients each month. These patients will eventually return to your practice for a regular checkup or a follow-up checkup on the dental procedure they had.
Social Media
If you are not on social media, you are missing out a lot of opportunities to target your audience. Almost 80% of adult Americans are on social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram. These are the two platforms that you should focus on.
And the best thing about this is these platforms are free. If you want to post an ad on Facebook, you can customize that ad with a minimal fee. You can set the age group you want to target and you can even adjust the geographical reach of the ad.
Community Groups
How about taking a look at local community groups? You can join a lot of their activities as an event organizer or you can participate in the program by giving a free talk about oral health care. Hundreds of people go to these events to participate, engage, and mingle with their neighbors.
This is your chance to reach out to your local market, who should always be the target of your dental practice marketing. These activities are usually sponsored by the local government but you can volunteer your time so you can get to know the community leaders better.
Email Marketing
Is email marketing dead? Once upon a time, all dental practice marketing efforts were coursed through email marketing. Companies and medical practitioners used email marketing to remind their clients about upcoming promos. And although it isn’t as widely used as it is before, that’s only because the process has been streamlined.
Instead of sending daily newsletters to your clients for your dental practice marketing, you can now follow a schedule when the emails should arrive in their inboxes. The reason for this is that clients want to hear from you, but they don’t want your emails filling their inboxes every day.
They can tolerate email marketing, but not to the point that they’ll have to spend an inordinate amount of time deleting your emails because you send one every hour. You need to be smart when and how many times a week you’ll send the email.