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Choosing A Social Media Platform For Dental Practice Marketing

What is the best social media platform for your dental practice marketing? What are the different advantages and disadvantages of using these platforms for your dental practice? Remember that different social media platforms require different techniques and approaches so you must develop a strategy that is tailor-fit for each of this platform. Facebook Facebook’s active […]

What are the Metrics to Track for Your Dental Practice Marketing?

Hiring a dental practice marketing company to handle your dental practice’s marketing is not an easy decision for many, but it has become a necessity in the dental industry. This is because the dental industry has become very competitive, especially within a local area. This is where dental marketing comes in. A good dental marketing […]

Managing Social Media Accounts For Dental Practice Marketing

If there’s one thing we know with absolute certainty right now it’s that social media will be here to stay. Sure, there’ll be a lot of changes in the future but your dental practice marketing should invest well in social media if you want to reap the rewards of making your presence known online. Post […]

Is Content Important For Dental Practice Marketing?

Content is king, they said, and that’s true also for dental practice marketing. Forget about attracting clients with promos, discounts, bonuses, and what not. The way to reach your clientele is to set yourself apart from the competition by providing potential clients with relevant information on your website. Content is at the heart of every […]

How to Guarantee the Success of Your Dental Practice Marketing

As a dental practice, you would expect that the only thing that you would have to worry about is helping people with their dental problems. However, as customers become more and more careful in their purchasing decisions and who they do business with, a dental practice marketing strategy might be in your best interests. This […]

How Does a Dental Marketing Strategy Help My Practice?

As a dental practice in business today, you may be acutely aware of the importance of a dental marketing strategy for your dental practice. When people are in search of a dentist to alleviate their dental problems, they tend to look online for their options. Because of online technology, the internet is quickly becoming the […]