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Keeping Tabs of Your Patients Through Dental Patient Marketing

Did you think that the relationship between a patient and a dentist ends as soon as a dental procedure was done? If you want to grow your business and you want to boost your reputation as a dentist, you need to keep tabs on your previous and current customers by constantly engaging them and developing […]

Getting Started With Your Dental Patient Marketing Strategy

In order to boost your dental practice, you’re going to need patients. In order to gain more patients, you’re going to need a strong dental patient marketing strategy to help attract patients and to help them find your dental practice. If you’re trying to handle your patient marketing yourself, you are probably familiar with how […]

How Talking To Your Customers Can Help In Dental Patient Marketing

Sometimes, all it takes is not five seconds of loading speed for your website to make a customer stay, but five seconds of simply saying “hi” or “hello.” Your dental patient marketing can greatly improve by engaging with your customers on a personal level. Stop depending on everything on social media and on your dental […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Blogging for Your Dental Patient Marketing

If you’ve worked with dental patient marketing for a while, you are probably aware of how it can change, depending on what you need out of your marketing. There are no two marketing methods that are exactly alike and it is always best to find the best marketing strategy that suits the dental practice. However, […]

Simple Steps to Take to Improve Your Dental Patient Marketing

Running a dental practice nowadays means needing more than just good dental skills and services. If you really want your practice to thrive that you need a good dental patient marketing strategy. With patient marketing, you are marketing directly to the patients themselves to compel them to choose your practice for their dental needs. However, […]

4 Old-School But Effective Dental Patient Marketing Techniques

When we think about dental patient marketing, we immediately focus on social media and email marketing. We don’t even consider some old-school and traditional marketing techniques that are still effective today, especially when it comes to marketing local businesses such as a dental practice. A dental practice is primarily a local business since it is […]

5 Ways To Reach Out To Your Audience Through Dental Patient Marketing

The thing about dental patient marketing strategies is if they fail to reach their audience, they don’t have an iota of a chance to succeed in this industry. One of the things that you must remember as a marketer or someone with a dental practice is to determine how best to reach your target market. […]

5 Dental Patient Marketing Strategies You Should Avoid

Many businessmen end up wasting their money and energy on conventional dental patient marketing methods simply because they don’t study who their audience is and what kind of marketing ploy will hook them. If you fail to understand how people find your business and interact with your dental practice, you’ll end up investing your money […]

Dental Patient Marketing: How to Minimize Patient No-Shows

One of the biggest issues that far too many dental practices have to deal with is patient no-shows and canceled appointments. This is problematic because these appointment no-shows are filling up appointment slots by patients that actually show up. Fortunately, as long as you use your dental patient marketing right, you can minimize canceled appointments […]

What Your Blog Should Say To Improve Dental Patient Marketing

You may be wondering why other websites seem to attract more visitors than yours. It’s time to stop wondering and start acting now. The reason why your dental patient marketing is not as successful as others is because you are not attracting enough people to your website or your blog site. Unknown to many, the […]