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The thing about dental patient marketing strategies is if they fail to reach their audience, they don’t have an iota of a chance to succeed in this industry. One of the things that you must remember as a marketer or someone with a dental practice is to determine how best to reach your target market.

Forget about the pros and cons of each of these strategies: if newspaper ads still work for the audience you are trying to reach, so be it. There’s no right or wrong in terms of how you communicate with your audience. You must invest in platforms that will communicate your messages in the best possible way.


Many marketing pundits have shrugged off the benefits of using emails for dental patient marketing. They think it is old school. They think it is antiquated and will ultimately fail to deliver the messages accurately. But studies have shown that even millennials, society’s biggest spenders, are actually checking their emails regularly to check out discounts and promos and other updates about the dental practice.

Phone calls

Good old phone calls still work in some cases. While Millennials and Gen Z are annoyed by telemarketers, baby boomers are still welcoming of calls from companies that offer them products and services. They are still receptive to the marketing messages being coursed through telemarketers. This method is best used when you’re trying to reach older people who are not adept at using the internet.

Text messages

Text messages only work if they are sent through a legitimate phone number. You can ask your network provider for a number that would legitimately tell the recipient that it’s from your dental practice. Most scams are coursed through text messages so people are extra wary of this form of communication. And yet, remember that a great chunk of millennials and Gen Z live their lives glued on text messaging.

Social media

Social media has the power to reach all audiences—from the baby boomers to Gen Z. You’ll be surprised to know that even grandparents have their own Facebook profiles these days and they use to communicate with friends and families. Build your own Facebook business profile, update it regularly, and use it to promote your dental practice.

Traditional media

Traditional methods of communicating dental patient marketing still work. You can advertise on television, radio, newspapers, and magazines as long as your target audience is proven to be susceptible to these media. You can still use flyers, billboard ads, and newsletters to send a message across to your market.