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What To Write On Your Blog to Improve Your Dental Patient Marketing

By now, you should have realized the power of social media and more importantly, how to use your blog to improve your dental patient marketing strategies. But most dentists have difficulties thinking about what to write on their blogs. What kind of topics should a dentist write about? What topics do readers want to know? […]

Dental Patient Marketing Metrics to Help Improve Conversions

All of the technical stuff involved in any dental patient marketing strategy can be quite confusing to get through. This is a large part of why most dental practices choose to outsource their dental marketing to marketing companies that have the expertise needed to handle your marketing effectively. One of the ways that they do […]

Knowing Your Patients More Will Help Your Dental Patient Marketing

Getting to know who your patients are is the best way to have a well-targeted dental patient marketing. And yet, this isn’t the easiest thing to do. It involves a lot of research, time, and effort to have a good idea of the identity of the market that comes to your clinic for a dental […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Your Content Marketing and a Content Calendar

When it comes to your dental patient marketing, it is very well-known that is today’s modern marketing, content is the most important and effective tools that you can use for your benefit. After all, content is what is being used for all of your other marketing strategies. Whether you use SEO, social media marketing, or […]

How To Use Dental Patient Marketing On A Blog Site

If you are in the dental profession but haven’t made an effort to make a blog, we’re telling you right now that you’re missing a lot of opportunities for dental patient marketing. Blogging is your only way of reaching out to your patients. You can inform them about your promotions and discounts. You can talk […]

How Your Dental Patient Marketing Benefits From Great Content

When it comes to your dental patient marketing, you have to make sure that you utilize all of the channels that are currently at your disposal to make the most out of it. And when you’re talking about an effective online marketing strategy, content should lie at the foundation of this, specifically, good content. No […]

Why Is Overpromoting Bad For Dental Patient Marketing?

Overpromoting is bad, bad, bad. So many marketers in dental patient marketing are making the mistake of overpromoting the dental practice and even the website. it’s bad enough that we are surrounded by ads on television and social media, we expect more from our dentists, right? If you want to make sure that you are […]

When Should You Worry About Your Dental Patient Marketing?

If your dental patient marketing isn’t worrying you, that is a cause for concern. You cannot be lackluster in aggressively seeking new strategies that will bring customers or patients to your business. As someone who’s competing in the dental industry, you need to be aware of the many nuances of your market, to keep up […]

How Dental Patient Marketing Issues Can Be Solved With Social Media

It’s a well-known fact that when it comes to your dental patient marketing, no matter how well you plan this out, you can and will encounter certain issues that may be difficult to handle. Your marketing team is only human after all, and everyone is prone to making mistakes. Sometimes it can be something as […]

4 Apps That Can Help Your Dental Patient Marketing Strategies

Are you feeling hopeless about finding a solution to your dental patient marketing problems? Can you not reach out and attract your target market? Does your target market feel elusive? Are they unreachable? There are many things you can do to improve your marketing strategies but unless you understand one universal truth about today’s world, […]