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Dental Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye Out For This Year

You should always take note that dental marketing, like plenty of other online industries, is not a static industry. This is one that is going to keep moving and shifting along with any new discoveries in online technology. And like other online industries, if you’re looking to stay relevant within the industry, you’re going to […]

Digital Dental Marketing Services to You Get Started

Digital dental marketing services are quickly becoming the norm in the ental industry, and for good reason. As traditional marketing gets more and more expensive, smaller dental practices are seeking out ways to market their own practices in a highly competitive local industry. This is where online marketing comes in. Online marketing has provided smaller […]

Dental Marketing: How Online Marketing Differs From Traditional Marketing

When you think of dental marketing, online marketing has become the new norm when it comes to marketing. There are a lot of reasons why people are turning online for their dental marketing over traditional marketing methods. But how different are online marketing methods compared to traditional methods? After all, isn’t online marketing simply traditional […]

Dental Marketing: How Does Digital Marketing Help My Practice?

If you’re looking in the market for a marketing strategy for your dental practice then you’ve probably heard of digital dental marketing. If you really think about it, it seems that online marketing methods have taken over in terms of marketing today. But if you’re shifting from traditional marketing and have no experience with this, […]

How Your Dental Marketing Can Benefit From Using a Content Calendar

Dental marketing is something that requires plenty of proper planning in order to pull off successfully as the dental industry is a highly competitive one. Out of all of the marketing strategies that can be used for your dental practice, content marketing is one of the most popular, as well as one of the most […]

Skills Needed in Top Dental Marketing Professionals

Making the decision to hire a dental marketing professional is one that can really benefit your dental practice. However, if this is your first time working with a marketing professional for your dental practice, this can be a rather confusing and intimidating task. When you’re on the search for a marketing professional, there are a […]

Dental Marketing: What Skills Should Experts Have?

Not all marketers are dental marketing experts. The fact that a dental practice hired a marketing agency does not automatically mean they are getting the service they need and want. Instead, they are looking for a very specific set of skills that their marketers must have. The marketing agency should be experts in dental practices. […]

Putting Subtitles On Your Dental Marketing Videos Is Important

So, you think you’ve done your homework? You’ve produced the video. You promoted the video by posting it on your website and your social media. You optimized the meta description. You scaled it for mobile devices. But you looked at the results and your dental marketing video is still not doing good. What’s up with […]

Blog Posting for Your Dental Marketing

Of all of the dental marketing methods that are available out there, blogging and content marketing is one of the most widely used, and for very good reason. Good content still has a very strong place in an online marketing strategy and those who use it well see favorable results. However, nowadays, there is more […]

How To Set Up Google My Business For Dental Marketing

Statistics back up Google My Business’ (GMB) case: people rely on their mobile phones and on the internet to find dentists. More than 60% of American adults use their phones when researching about a local business and a whopping 71% confirm the location of the business before they visit it. That all plays well for […]