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When you think of dental marketing, online marketing has become the new norm when it comes to marketing. There are a lot of reasons why people are turning online for their dental marketing over traditional marketing methods. But how different are online marketing methods compared to traditional methods?

After all, isn’t online marketing simply traditional marketing carried out online? If you’re thinking of converting to online marketing methods after using traditional methods for a long time, here are some ways that the two differ.

Higher customer engagement

One significant difference that you can observe between online and traditional marketing methods is the level of customer interaction between the two. The main problem with traditional marketing methods is that it makes it difficult for businesses to interact with customers through these methods.

They have to rely on creating their ads to appeal to a more general demographic and hope that they appeal to their intended audience. With online marketing, you can go directly to the customer and interact with them, which helps with conversions and customer loyalty.

A wider reach and more targeted audience

When you work with traditional dental marketing, you have to take the time to brainstorm in order to come up with an ad that will appeal to a wide variety of audiences. This means you have to come up with a variety of different ads to appeal to different audiences, which will end up costing you a lot.

When you work with online marketing, you have access to tools which allow you to pinpoint and target your ads to the exact demographic that you’re trying to reach. This results in higher conversion rates at a fraction of the cost when compared to traditional marketing.

A higher ROI

The biggest factor that explains why plenty of practices, especially smaller dental practices, prefer online marketing over the traditional kind is because it is more affordable and has a higher return on your investment.

There is no shortage to the number of free online marketing methods available. And even if you make use of paid online marketing methods, these are still much cheaper than taking out a billboard or television ad.

You can track results in real time

If you make use of traditional marketing, it can take weeks, maybe even months for results to show. If you use online dental marketing, you can start tracking results in as little as a few days. This is attributed to online tools that allow you to track online metrics efficiently.

This is very helpful because if a particular strategy isn’t working out, you can change it up on the spot with a very little extra cost to you. You can’t achieve this with traditional marketing methods.