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First Steps to Take When You’re Just Starting Out With Your Dental Practice Marketing

Having a good dental practice marketing strategy is now expected of dental practices nowadays, especially if they’re looking to boost their dental practice’s presence. It’s important to plan out to marketing strategy properly for maximum results. If this is your first time handling a dental marketing strategy, it’s always a good idea to understand the […]

The Importance of Patient Engagement to Your Dental Practice Marketing

As a dental practice, the number one focus of your dental practice marketing is always your patients. After all, your patients are the main reason why your practice is still in business today. One of the things that you commonly hear recommended for your dental practice is patient engagement. You might be wondering why this […]

How Important Is A Responsive Website In Dental Practice Marketing?

When we think about dental practice marketing, we think about traditional marketing methods such as giving away flyers and business cards to people lining up to the grocery store counters. We rarely think about this as some sort of an e-commerce business site that also needs Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to be marketed. But […]

Why Focus On The Local Audience For Dental Practice Marketing

Marketing a dental practice is not easy, but it shouldn’t be hard as well. While there is a certain degree of difficulty in dental practice marketing, those in the medical and dental industry know too well that their focus is mostly on the local community. While others must speak to a general audience by creating […]

Top Reasons Why A Clean Website Is Good For Dental Practice Marketing

Your website acts as the digital storefront of your dental practice. This means that people are more likely to land first on your website than to know about your brick-and-mortar dental clinic. This is why a well-designed website is important for dental practice marketing. If the web design is lacking, people will probably decide they […]

How Can You Improve Dental Practice Marketing Through Community-Building?

You know you need to market your dental practice. You know that dental practice marketing is an important component of reaching success in this industry. But actually marketing your practice is a different matter altogether. It takes a lot of work, a lot of late-night studying, a lot of analyzing, and a lot of guts […]

How To Write Blog Content For Dental Practice Marketing

Clients are constantly barraged with a number of advertising materials. They are everywhere. No matter where we look at right now, we consume promotions and advertisements. This makes it hard for dental practice marketing because they need to tap new clients for the business. Creating a blog, though effective, is another challenging component of marketing […]

Integrating Offline And Online Dental Practice Marketing

Every target audience is different and the most effective dental practice marketing strategies vary from business to business. But across generations, societies, sectors, and industries today, people are behaving in a way that’s predictable for marketers: they are sharing their offline lives online. Not only are they bringing what’s happening to them offline to their […]

Best Dental Practice Marketing Strategies Offline

As a dental practice, you know who your consumers are so you are better prepared to create dental practice marketing strategies that will target their needs and even their wants. Many dentists, however, are focused entirely on internet marketing strategies—reaching out to their consumers through the website and social media—and forgot all about how we […]

Good Dental Practice Marketing Strategies to Employ in a Local Area

Dental practice marketing can be intimidating, especially when you think about the amount of competition within the industry. The thing about dental marketing is, as a small practice, it is highly recommended that you focus your marketing efforts on a more localized area. This is because unless you are a large, national chain, your patients […]