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More than 60% of internet users are accessing the internet through mobile devices such as phones and tablets. A big portion of this is your target market. If one of your potential patients searches for information online about a dental clinic near him or her, how will they find you if your dental websites are not mobile responsive? Google does not always rank non-mobile websites. It gives such a high priority to mobile websites that it’s any wonder companies are still using non-mobile websites to attract customers.

The responsiveness of the website refers to how quickly the site loads, the spacing and text adjustment on smaller screens, and the proportion of the images as they appear on a mobile device’s screen. These contribute to the good experience of the customers while browsing your website. They make the information easier to process.

Your web visitors want to view and interact with your website as easily as possible. They don’t want to wait for the pages to load. That’s why websites must be coded in such a way that they can adapt to all screen sizes. No matter the device it is being displayed on, the websites must adjust accordingly.

Waiting Time

Studies showed that web visitors are only willing to wait less than five seconds for a web page to load. Yes, that includes the homepage. If your web page cannot load in less than five seconds, you will lose the opportunity to persuade that web visitor to make an appointment with you or even to simply browse your website.


Search engine optimization refers to how optimized your website is to appear on top of the search results. If the site isn’t optimized for search engines, people who search using a keyword relevant to your website will not find your page. For dental websites, this is a huge loss because people mostly find your website using local searches on Google. So, make sure that all the elements of your website—including the content—are optimized for Google.


Mobile-friendly sites are also user-friendly. This means that your web visitors will not have a hard time navigating your website. They can find information easily. They will also interact with your website longer. Remember that the longer your web visitors stay on the site, the more likely they will book an appointment, buy a product, subscribe to a newsletter, and return as a customer.

These reasons should be enough to convince you to make your dental websites mobile-responsive. Once you do these things, you will watch your dental practice grow.