When you think of dental marketing strategies online, the first one you might be thinking of is dental SEO. It is one of the oldest methods of digital marketing still in use today, and still remains as one of the most effective in driving organic traffic to your dental website. However, plenty of websites do it wrong, and they end up hurting their website ranking instead of helping them because they’re not exactly sure what they’re doing.
Far too many sites rely on outdated SEO methods which are now considered blackhat SEO. If you want a good dental SEO method that works for your website, it is always recommended that you hire a reputable dental marketing company that knows how to design the right strategy for your marketing needs.
However, this can end up being pretty expensive, and to the untrained eye, results may not be immediately observed. So how can you tell if your investment is paying off and your SEO strategy is working? Keep an eye on these metrics.
Conversions, in whatever form, are the primary goal of any website, no matter what industry. This is also one of the strongest indicators that show if your SEO strategy is working or not. You should be looking at site conversions in relation to website traffic.
Bounce rate
The bounce rate is a very telling metric on your dental website. Your bounce rate can tell you which pages are working for your website and pages aren’t being received very well by your users. By checking on your site’s bounce rate regularly, you can pinpoint which pages are resulting in more of a “bounce” be and what you can do to improve these.
Mobile usability
It’s no secret that mobile metrics are now a very important part of any dental SEO strategy because of the large percentage of mobile online users available online today. Make sure that you take a look at your website’s mobile responsiveness to make sure that these users are being accommodated.
Also, take a look at mobile user traffic to see which pages need more work and which ones are working well. Nowadays, it’s very important that mobile users are accommodated in your website because search engines crawlers now take into account mobile metrics when they determine your page ranking.
Target keywords
You can’t have a good dental SEO strategy without keywords as these are the foundation of a good SEO strategy. Always keep yourself updated with the dental industry keywords that your site is ranking well for, and which ones it isn’t. These dental keywords can be put to good use when you formulate your PPC and your content marketing strategies to rank for these keywords.