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Why do you need surveys for your dental practice? Every business, at some point, will commission a survey to get their customers’ pulse on the topics that matter to the business such as customer service, the quality of the products they provide, and the effects of the marketing campaigns they produced. The same goes for dental practice. You need patients to answer your surveys to find out their thoughts on a variety of subjects. Their answers will help improve your dental marketing campaigns, as well as the ways that they will try to reach out to you.

What Should Be Asked in a Dental Survey?

The answer depends on where you plan to use your patients’ answers. If you want to find out about your patients’ oral health, you need to ask personal questions such as how frequently they brush their teeth, go to the dentist, and even the way they floss. This will give you a good picture of their dental health habits. A great portion of the American population doesn’t even bother going to the dentist because they deal with dental anxieties. You must remember this when analyzing the answers of your potential patients. Many of them have probably only seen a dentist once or twice in their lives because of fear.

When learning about the oral health problems of your patients, don’t be judgmental or condescending. A lot of patients are further discouraged to visit their dentists because there’s a “tone” in the voice that doesn’t sit well with them. Stop yourself from judging someone who doesn’t have the time nor the effort to visit a dentist regularly. The reason you want them to answer the survey truthfully is not so you can judge their behavior, but to be able to help them with their dental problems.

But if you want to find out if your dental marketing campaigns are effective, then the questions will be different, too. You’ll want to find out where they learned about you, what kind of services they need, what made them choose your dental office, how long they have been your patients, and how often they visit the clinic. You may also ask them to rank you on the location of the service, business hours, friendliness of the staff, pain control, dentist’s skills, treatment options, and cost of services.

Their answers will help you redesign the dental marketing campaigns. You can tweak or even change the campaigns completely, depending on what you learned from your patients.