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An active dental marketing strategy is something that more dental practices are expected to implement nowadays, especially if they’re looking to increase the number of patient visits over the next few months. Some dental practices balk at the idea of investing in a marketing strategy simply because it costs a lot to take out an ad or a billboard in the area.

This is where digital dental marketing comes in. Digital marketing helps small dental practices boost their chances at visibility just as much as smaller dental practices at much lower costs. Here are some simple ways to boost your dental marketing efforts without breaking the bank.

Use social proof

One of the easiest ways that you can boost your marketing efforts without spending too much is by using social proof in the form of patient reviews and testimonials. One of the first things that potential patients do when they identify the need for dental health services is to look up potential practices that can fulfill their needs.

One of the deciding factors that help them with their decision is reviews and testimonials from previous patients that let them know about their experiences with your dental practice. It doesn’t cost anything to ask your patients for reviews and a review can go a long way for your marketing efforts.

Establish and boost your online presence

Almost everything is done online, from shopping to booking appointments with health providers. It’s important to take advantage of the online technology-driven world by establishing and boosting your online presence. Claim your Google My Business profile, establish social media profiles and maintain them.

Customers are heavily reliant on online technology to find the information that they need to make their purchasing decisions, so any smart business will act accordingly to use this to their advantage. Making use of online channels like social media and Google My Business doesn’t cost much to work with and can be a solid foundation for your dental marketing strategy.

Learn how to use content marketing

Blogging in the form of content marketing is an effective dental marketing strategy that you can utilize for your practice. Good blogging practices can help establish your practice as a credible source of quality information that patients can turn to for their questions. As long as you maintain consistent posting and write about relevant topics, your content marketing can go a long way.

Invest in a good website

A good website doesn’t have to cost so much as long as you keep it simple. Remember that your website is the face of your online presence and is a good investment when utilized properly. Your dental website can be the central hub for all of your dental marketing efforts, from your blog, patients reviews, and your online appointment system.