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Content and dental marketing have become pretty much connected with each other. No matter how many tools and tricks you try to employ with your marketing strategy, none of that is really going to matter much if you don’t have good content to back it up.

Search engines and other types of online platforms have started placing more of a priority on quality content, which means if you want to get your website noticed, then you’re going to have to make sure that you invest in quality content. If you’re just getting started with your dental marketing, then you may be overwhelmed by the various content types that you can use. To get you started, here are some basic content types that can help boost your marketing.

Blog content

Blog content is one of the most common types of content that you can use for your online marketing strategy, regardless of the industry. In the dental industry, blog content is very valuable because, as a whole, the general public doesn’t really know much about what they have to do for their dental health, outside of brushing their teeth and flossing. This is also a good way of reassuring your patients that you care about their dental health, by providing them with the knowledge that they need to stay on top of it.

Video content

Nowadays, video content is one of the most highly sought after forms of content that you can use for your online marketing strategy. The reason why this is so popular is that video content is highly convertible.

Its popularity can also be attributed to the fact that video content is designed to be consumed during downtime, which is great for online users who are looking for something to occupy their time in between their daily tasks. As a dental practice, there are a number of ways to approach your video content. You can cover dental health topics, or talk about some of the dental services you offer and how they can benefit your patients.

Social Media

One of the most common platforms used in any dental marketing strategy is social media. On the surface, it might seem like another platform for online users to spend their idle time, but this can be a great online marketing strategy. Because of this, the kind of content that you choose to put out on your social media is something that should also be taken into consideration.

The main thing that you should always remember when writing the content for your social media marketing is that it shouldn’t be that long. Save the long-form stuff for your blog articles. Your social media posts should be interesting enough to grab the attention of your followers, but still informative enough to make sure that your followers will be interested in visiting your dental practice.