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Let’s get straight to the point: your dental websites need to load its homepage in under two seconds or you will lose a lot of potential customers, investors, and other stakeholders. This is the age of fast-paced work and never-ending multi-tasking. We all need websites that load with a click of a finger. The speed by which your websites load can make or break your website and in effect, your business.

If a page loads too slowly, it’s more likely that a potential visitor will close the browser and transfer to another site, preferably one that loads a lot faster than yours do. Studies have shown that 87% of users who have to wait more than two seconds for a homepage to load will abandon the site and move to a competitor’s site.

Take a look at your dental websites. How fast do they load? Do you have to wait more than two seconds for the homepage to load? And if the homepage loads a little bit faster, how about the inside web pages? How about the images? Do the images appear instantaneously when the page loads? If a web visitor has to wait for a product image to load, he could leave the site out of annoyance.

Mobile optimization

Making sure your dental websites load fast is not only important for desktops but also for the optimization of the website for mobile devices. This represents one of Google’s efforts to encourage website owners to design their websites for mobile devices rather than for desktop computers.

More and more website designers are creating websites with mobile devices in mind. They are shifting away from designing websites for desktop or laptop computers as this will allow websites to be more user-friendly.

When a website loads faster, content can also be better consumed. Just imagine what your clients are missing out on because the information that you posted cannot be accessed. Not only are you missing out on the chance to make a sale, but you are also doing a disservice to the clients you hope to attract.

You can check whether your site delivers a speedy user experience across all platforms using a variety of free tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights. The tool will allow you to see the areas of your website where page speed is weak. It will also provide suggestions for improvement so you can make the necessary adjustments that will better your site’s SEO.