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When a customer arrives in your dental marketing company office, they already have a first impression of your business based on what they saw on your websites. This is why we need to ask the question: how many times do you need to update or renew your website’s design, layout, and content? First impressions don’t only last, they may make or break your company.

Nowadays, consumers spend an inordinate amount of time researching about businesses, products, and services before they visit the office or the store. They read reviews and recommendations before deciding to make a purchase. They explore your social media profiles and visit your company’s website before they try to contact you.

Keeping your dental marketing company website up to date does not mean redesigning it every year or changing its layout every month. That takes a lot of work and it means getting your website offline so the developers can work on it. That’s not good for your business. What we meant by updating your site is posting blog articles, updating your CMS system, posting new items for sale, and publishing reviews and recommendations from new customers.

How Often Should You Update the Site?

As often as possible! If there are new items in your inventory, post them as soon as possible so that your customers will be aware of the products. Every time your website gets a refresh, Google recognizes it and treats it as relevant.

Regular website update is one of the things that Google consider when ranking your website. Therefore, a website that has been regularly updated will more likely have success on search engines than a site that has collected dust over the years.

Do not go a month without an update on your website. There are a lot of things to post on your site. You don’t need to post a 500-word blog article every week, but keeping the site updated with what’s going on in your dental practice will impress your customers and the search engines.

Updating your website is also important for its overall maintenance. During an update, you will be able to check if there are elements of the site that are not working properly. You can then address these technical issues that might be the cause why there are new visit on your website this week or month. When you update your site, make sure to check it thoroughly so every possible problem area will be addressed.