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Think about it. You exactly have two kinds of patients in mind. The first one is the current patient and the second one is the prospective patient. Both of these groups are important for your dental practice. That’s why when you build dental websites, you should think about what these two groups want from you.

Clearly, prospective patients are not yet your patients. The operative phrase here is “not yet.” They could be. They could be more loyal than your current crop of patients. With a great website, your target audience could be your patients. They could be the loyal ones you’re hoping to find. When designing your website, remember that you aren’t designing for yourself. You are designing for your current and prospective patients. You have to give them what they want.

What Do Your Current Patients Want?

They come to your website to look for very specific things. They either want to schedule an appointment, make payments, download forms, or find your contact information. Making sure that all of these serves are on your website will make it the kind of website your current patients would want to browse.

Most of them are familiar with your products and services already. They know what you’re offering. They don’t need to browse through the services and products page. However, they need other things than information. They need to set an appointment with you, so make that an easy process. If they have done this before, make sure there’s an option for them to automatically fill up the forms. They will appreciate the no-hassle process.

What Do Prospective Patients Want to See?

As for your prospective patients, they want more information; the same information that your current employees already know about your dental practice. They want to know that you are the right dentist for them. One of the things that new patients want to know is if your dental practice is accepting new patients. They are also curious about your safety protocol since we’re still living amid a pandemic. Your current patients already know about your safety protocols but not your prospective patients.

Of course, your target patients want to know about the services you offer, as well as if you’re accepting insurance (and what kind), your payment methods, discounts, and many other things. Lastly, they want to know your location, contact information, and how to schedule an appointment with you. Make sure your dental websites have this information so your prospective patients will not need to go to any other website.