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As a dental practice, you are probably aware of the importance of investing in good dental marketing. After all, these are the methods that you are going to be utilizing to attract more patients to your dental practice. Depending on the dental practice, there are a number of ways that you can make use of marketing to increase patient count rates in your dental practice. It’s all a matter of understanding each option available to you and learning how to use it. Learn more about the different approaches that you can take with your dental marketing.

Online marketing

Of course, in today’s digital landscape, online marketing has to take the top spot when it comes to the options that are available for any dental practice. The thing about online marketing is that it is giving smaller dental practices the same chance at the same audiences as larger practices, without having to pay the same rates commonly associated with some of the more traditional methods of marketing. Out of all of the marketing options available, online marketing is one of the most flexible options and allows for more experimentation. This is a good starting point for any marketing strategy.

Word-of-mouth marketing

Before, dental practices relied solely on word-of-mouth marketing to get their practice’s names out there. Some might call it outdated, but it is still one of the most reliable forms of marketing that you can utilize for your dental practice. This is because people are more likely to trust the recommendation of someone they trust when they choose the dental practice that they will patron. Nowadays, this takes the form of patient reviews and testimonials.

Traditional marketing

While traditional marketing is now one the back burner because of the surge in popularity of online marketing, it still has its place in the industry. This is because certain forms of traditional marketing, like television ads and billboard placement, are still popular among certain demographics that you should not ignore.

Transactional marketing

Transactional marketing is a type of dental marketing strategy that can be a great way to get new patients through the door of your dental practice. From the name itself, you can probably already determine that there is some sort of transaction involved. This type of marketing utilizes offering great deals in the form of discounts and first-time package deals. After such a great first deal, it would hopefully encourage patients to choose to come back to your dental practice.