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Dental price shoppers are people who are taking a look at local dental services to find the right dental practice to handle their dental needs. The interesting thing about price shoppers is that if you learn how to apply your dental patient marketing right, you can easily convert these price shoppers into new patients.

Most dental price shoppers inquire about the cost of dental services through a phone call, as the price quote for a specific service can depend on a lot of factors and isn’t something that you can easily compute and put on your website.

These calls can be very beneficial to your dental practice as this is a good opportunity to convert a price shopper into a new patient. Here are some of the ways that you can use your dental patient marketing to accomplish this.

Explain to the patient why an exact quote cannot be provided

Most potential patients call up a dental office to ask about certain service and how much it’s going to cost to have that particular service done. Different dental practices vary on how much a specific service is going to cost.

The thing about a dental price quote is that it’s not something that can be done over the phone. At best, you can probably provide the customer with a price range of how much they can expect the service to cost.

If you’re interested in converting them into a new patient, you can emphasize the fact that dental price quotes vary on a case-to-case basis, and in order to get an accurate price quote, it is highly recommended that they come in for a checkup or a consultation.

Do not tell them that you cannot give them a price quote, explain to them why an exact price quote cannot be easily given and give them a reason to schedule an appointment for them to come in. In order to get the full effect of this, it would be highly recommended that you practice this beforehand with your staff.

If you have special financing options or discounts, be sure to mention them

If a potential patient is hesitant about coming in for an appointment because of the cost, you can always mention to them that your dental practice accepts a variety of dental insurance and offers discounts or free consultations.

If your office doesn’t have options like these, you can explain to the customer that your dental practice offers financing options for people who don’t have dental insurance. The key here is to make it easier for the patient to come in for an appointment and helping them understand why an in-person consultation is in their best interest.