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Dental Practice Marketing: Why Use Management Software

Using a management software will spell the difference between a well-managed and efficient dental practice marketing and a disorganized one. Forget about using the old file cabinet to keep your patients’ data and information. Computers exist for a reason and a management software will help your dental practice be more organized. This makes it easier […]

Dental Practice Marketing: 5 Things That Can Hurt Your Marketing

Let’s face it: dental practice marketing isn’t exactly sexy and exciting. It has none of the fun that comes with marketing restaurants, clubs, tech companies, and more. It is straightforward. It is formal. It is stiff, at times, too. Dentists often find it hard to market their practice because of a lack of knowledge of […]

Dental Practice Marketing: Enhance Your Email Marketing Strategy

There are so many kinds of strategies involved in the dental practice marketing industry, that it can be hard to just settle on one single strategy. Fortunately, the beauty of the digital marketing industry is that you have the freedom to pick and choose any strategy and try it out for a little while without […]

4 Rules of Ideation for Dental Practice Marketing

If you need fresh ideas for a blog post, ideation will work best. This is a process of brainstorming and communicating new ideas for content, dental practice marketing strategies, and many more. Do you think your team needs a good ideation session? Here are the four basic rules of ideation: There Are No Bad Ideas […]

The Four Cs of Dental Practice Marketing

The term dental practice marketing has such a huge scope, even if it is unapologetically specific in trying to find marketing solutions for a dental practice. While there is no one formula for a successful marketing strategy, experts agree that the four Cs must be considered when building a marketing campaign. What are the four […]

How To Use Video Production In Dental Practice Marketing

There is no denying the fact that without videos, any gains that your dental practice marketing claims to have will mean nothing for your website’s SEO. If you focus on posting blog articles alone, you will alienate a huge block of your target audience. Society is increasingly becoming dependent on what they see. They want […]

What Am I Doing Wrong With My Dental Practice Marketing?

As an entrepreneur, it’s hard not to think about what you’re doing wrong with your business or your dental practice. You look over to your competitors and you see their dental practice marketing thriving. You ask yourself, “What are they doing that I am not doing?” But the better question is this one: “What am […]

How Lack of Presence On Social Media Affects Dental Practice Marketing

If you’re not spending an inordinate amount of time on social media to promote your dental practice, you are losing a huge opportunity to advance your dental practice marketing and to make people aware about the different products and services that you offer. Many dentists around America are old-schoolers. They reject the notion of a […]