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Dental Patient Marketing: Reach Out To New Movers

The US Census Bureau said that about 12% of the US population moves annually. This means that many—perhaps all—of these new movers need new dentists in their new cities and towns. This is why it’s important that your dental patient marketing involves keeping up to date with new happenings in the town, including who are […]

Find the Right Dental Patient Marketing Company for Your Practice

With social media and online technology being the number one type of tech that most people are making use of nowadays, it makes sense why a strong dental patient marketing strategy is the key to getting your dental practice much further than any other kind of marketing strategy today. Because of how competitive the industry […]

Using Dental Patient Marketing Within the Local Area

Dental patient marketing can be rather complicated for all sorts of professionals within the industry. This is especially true if you look at the industry on a smaller-scale, more local area. The competition for this particular industry can be pretty severe, which is why you have to employ effective marketing strategies to make sure that […]

How Dental Patient Marketing Works For Your Practice

How often do we see professions and businesses making erroneous turns in their dental patient marketing because they don’t understand the process of how potential clients absorb the information they’re getting from marketing materials? Marketers are prone to complacency, which means they get contented with what they think they know about the industry and their […]

Expensive Dental Patient Marketing Mistakes

Dental patient marketing is something that more dental practices are finding a need for nowadays. Through online marketing, dental practices now have a much wider reach compared to when traditional marketing was the norm in the industry, with a fraction of the cost. However, while online marketing has been easier for dental practices to handle […]

Dental Patient Marketing Ideas To Get Your Clinic More Clients

It can be hard for any dentist to focus on dental patient marketing strategies when he also needs to take care of his current clientele and manage the whole clinic, his staff, and other aspects of the business. it’s easy to let the marketing of his business slide since he doesn’t have the time nor […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Can I Get a Career With No Experience?

Today, dental patient marketing is an industry that is in high demand nowadays. You can see why since a significant number of people are now a part of the online world and make use of the internet to look up answers to their questions as soon as they need it. Because of its demand and […]

How Dental Patient Marketing Converts Price Shoppers

The goal of every dental patient marketing strategy is to get more patients. Because of this, marketing professionals have to check each and every potential lead to see how each one can be used to get more patients. One of those channels is through price shoppers. Price shoppers are potential patients that shop around checking […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Understand Your Patients’ Decision Process

If there’s one mistake that you’re doing wrong in your dental patient marketing, it’s not making an effort to understand who your patients are and where they are coming from. Without this knowledge, you are bound to create a marketing strategy that does not really work for your target market. When trying to understand the […]

How A Clinic’s Space Affect Dental Practice Marketing

Sometimes, the simple act of renovating your office space and making it brighter, cleaner, and more organized can mean so much for your dental practice marketing. If you have a dingy dental clinic with patients’ files and folders all over the couch and table, your patients may feel uncomfortable with the sanitation of the actual […]