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3 Ways To Improve Your Dental Patient Marketing Through Facebook

How can Facebook help you improve your dental patient marketing strategies? What are you doing wrong that could be affecting the effectivity of your marketing strategies on Facebook, arguably the most powerful social media platform out there? Using Facebook is not just about having a page there, per se. Facebook is more than just your […]

Decide Which Dental Patient Marketing Strategy Works For Your Practice

One of the biggest benefits that the online marketing industry has given the world of dental patient marketing is the ability to be as varied with your online marketing without ever breaking the bank. However, for some dental practices, the sheer number of choices that are out there is quite frankly, a little intimidating. Because […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Claiming Your Listing On Online Directories

More than 85 percent of Americans believe that oral health is extremely important to their overall health. Now, you would think that it means more patients are available for dentists to tap. But it doesn’t exactly mean that way—dentists still need dental patient marketing strategies because 42 percent don’t see the dentists as often as […]

Your Dental Patient Marketing May Be Doing More Harm Than Good

Are you aware that your dental patient marketing strategies might actually be harming your dental practice than it is helping it? Do you know that your marketing strategy may not be as effective as you think it is? When your dental practice generates patients, it does not necessarily mean these patients are the product of […]

Dental Patient Marketing Tips Your Competition Isn’t Aware Of

The world of dental patient marketing is one that is always shifting and changing. This can mostly be attributed to the rise of online technology and how much of an impact it has made on a variety of industries, including the dental marketing industry. In order to make sure that your dental patient marketing strategies […]

Understanding The 3 Levels of Dental Patient Marketing

How aware are you of what needs to be done to improve your dental patient marketing? Do you know that the marketing strategies your dental practice needs have, at least, three levels? That to get the audience you want, you need to understand your market, choose the right tools, and measure whatever results you can […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Is Google AdWords Worth It?

A solid dental patient marketing strategy is necessary for your dental practice, especially in today’s day and age. However, you should be strategic about how you handle your dental marketing, especially if you’re going to be making use of online marketing methods. One of the most widely used forms of online marketing is Google AdWords, […]

Dental Patient Marketing: Use Negative Testimonials To Improve Practice

It can’t be helped that there are times when your dental practice will receive negative comments and feedback from your patients. But you know that you can still use these for dental patient marketing? Negative testimonials don’t necessarily mean that they can’t be reversed or that you can’t use it for the good of your […]

Dental Patient Marketing 101: Best Online Advertising Channels

The dental patient marketing industry has seen some huge changes over the past few years. This has allowed dental practices of all sizes the opportunity to appeal to the same audiences, despite a smaller budget. However, even if there are free forms of online marketing available, you should never disregard the effect of a good […]

What To Write On Your Blog to Improve Your Dental Patient Marketing

By now, you should have realized the power of social media and more importantly, how to use your blog to improve your dental patient marketing strategies. But most dentists have difficulties thinking about what to write on their blogs. What kind of topics should a dentist write about? What topics do readers want to know? […]