Your dental websites should be the number one source of new patients. Yet, many sites aren’t doing that for the businesses that they are created for. It is time that you overhaul your website for it to do the job that it is meant to do. Otherwise, it is a complete waste of time, money, and resources to manage a website that isn’t bringing the leads you need.
So, what makes a beautiful website? They say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But that’s not it when it comes to dental websites. As much as a website can be aesthetically pleasing, it can also be dysfunctional. Do you already have a website? Here are the three questions you should ask yourself:
How Does It Look?
What are your general impressions of the site’s overall design? Look at it from the perspective of a web visitor. While you are still a bit subjective, try to determine if the colors, motif, and other elements are working for you. Do these things make you want to stay on the site? Do they add to the overall impact of the site?
If you are a web visitor, you want a dental website that is easy on the eyes. You want to look at pretty things, and that includes the websites that you visit, too. So, as superficial as it sounds, the design of dental websites is still the most important factor when considering its overall impact on visitors.
How Does It Work?
Next to design is the function of the website. While the design of the site is important, that won’t work on its own. It needs to be functional, too. The purpose of a website is to generate leads and to give out information to its web visitors. If it cannot do that, then what is your website for? Beauty isn’t your primary goal. It is part and parcel of the overall look of the website.
The aesthetics of the site should complement the function of the site. Some questions to ask yourself are these: can web visitors find what they are looking for? Can they go from page to page without pulling their hair?
How Does It Benefit the End User?
Who is the end-user? It is the web visitors of these websites. When they visit dental websites, they are looking for clear answers. They want to see the information that they are seeking. Is it easy for them to find these answers? Can they book an appointment easily? Or, is it harder for them to transact with you on the site than through the phone?