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Searching for and hiring a dental marketing company is always a bit overwhelming. This is your dental practice’s big chance to attract more clients and generate more profit. Surely, being nervous about this decision is part of the journey.

You are, after all, investing your capital in a marketing team and hoping that they will create marketing tactics that will bring more business to your dental practice. Feeling nervous and stressed and pressured is part of the package.

But these feelings should not be with you throughout the whole process. As soon as you meet and talk with and signed the contract with the dental marketing company, you should be feeling a whole lot better and comforted. You should trust your gut and your instinct that you’re making the right decision.

Feeling a lot better now? Now, take a look at these things that you should avoid doing or not doing when you work with a marketing company.

Not asking for the price scheme and schedule

Why do you think it takes dental practices a long time to hire a marketing company? Why do you think some dentists try to do the marketing campaigns themselves instead of hiring a professional team? It’s all about the money. The money involved in hiring a dental marketing company isn’t going to be cheap (but hopefully, with the right agency, it is worth it).

The worst thing you can do when partnering with a marketing company is not being clear about the contract price and the schedule of payment. Some marketing firms ask for an upfront fee while some work in milestones. Better if these details are made clear to you so you can prepare well.

Not using a project development tool/software

How are you going to monitor the progress of the project if you cannot see how it’s faring? A project development software or program will help you keep up with the progress, communicate with the marketing team, and improve the marketing decisions. It loops you in the process and allows you to directly monitor how everyone’s working and progressing.

Not meeting the marketing team in person

Meeting even just one representative from the dental marketing company will do a world’s good to sating your frayed nerves. Sometimes, all it takes is one meeting to satisfy our curiosity about the people who are working for the betterment of our marketing efforts. Make sure to plan a meeting way before you sign the contract as this will help you make the right decision to hire or not hire a marketing firm.