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Although it is important for a dental practice to focus on its website, improving your presence on social media is no doubt also beneficial for dental SEO. Social channels are more personal than a website. Your dental clinic’s profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more allow clients to engage with you and they are also easier venues for you to reach your market.

Social links impact your search rank

There was a question before whether Google’s algorithm ranks a page depending on the mentions it collected on Twitter and Facebook. If a tweet links back to your website, will that be a plus on Google’s algorithm? The answer is yes.

Every mention, every backlink, every post on social media is beneficial to your dental SEO. Google will rank your website or your social media page higher if you have a high percentage of mentions and link backs on social media.

Social media profiles rank on search engines

When people search for a dental clinic, what they first see on Google’s page is a list of local dental clinics. Next, they’ll see the social media pages related to these dental clinics.

Social media profiles are often the first links that appear on Google, which gives credence to the belief that the algorithm has changed to prioritize social media channels. The reason why most potential clients prefer to open a Facebook page of a company rather than its website is because of updated content. A social media page is easier to update than a website.

People use social media as search engines

How many times in the past week have you used social media to search for a company? Social media are not only being used to engage with clients. They are also used as a search engine.

This is why it’s important for your dental practice to update your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, post relevant content, and engage regularly with your clients. You should also look into the keywords and key phrases that people use to search for a specific topic on social media. You need to incorporate hashtags in your posts so social media users can easily find your page.

When it comes to dental SEO, social media play a crucial role; one that cannot be overlooked. Focus on improving the SEO of your social media sites and make sure that you are constantly keeping up with proven and tested trends.